SAFETY F.I.R.S.T. Cluster established – New technologies to improve first responders’ efficiency and effectiveness – Video & Newsletter
Seven EU-funded projects (INGENIOUS, FASTER, ASSISTANCE, CURSOR, INTREPID, PathoCERT and RESPOND-A) have joined forces and established the Safety F.I.R.S.T. (First Responder Support Technologies) cluster with the valuable support of the Horizon Results Booster to enhance projects’ dissemination activities and promote good practice in research through collaboration and knowledge-sharing activities.
As a starting point, a joint video and a joint newsletter have been created as part of the Horizon Results Booster, which supports EU projects tackling similar issues and topics in boosting their joint dissemination efforts by identifying commonalities among them and producing cluster dissemination materials, such as videos.
This video has been produced to the benefit of the Safety F.I.R.S.T. Cluster, which aims at developing and testing new technologies to improve first responders’ efficiency and effectiveness.
The newsletter provides information about the objectives and activities of the project and you may read it here. You can also download it through the following link:
The video and the newsletter have been created by ICONS Innovation Strategies ( Subscribe to the Horizon Results Booster’s YouTube channel and watch the video also here: