Project Roadmap
Project Start
Month 1: Consortium partners were gathered in the Kick-off Meeting, initial issues were overcomed and the project started!
End User Workshop in Paris, France
Month 4: End users with the participation of Project & Technical Coordinator were gathered in Paris, France to discuss functional and non-functional requirements. Partners start to develop their solutions.
Start of Laboratory Tests
Month 11: Partners will conduct early test of their developed tools in the Lab.
First version of functional prototypes of INGENIOUS Toolkit
Month 16: Based on the initial Laboratory tests partners will deliver the first version of the functional prototypes of INGENIOUS toolkit
Small Scale Field Integration & Testing
Month 18: Partners are fixing initial issues from the first versions and perform small scale field integration. The INGENIOUS are starting to become more interconnected.
Second Version of Functional Prototypes of INGENIOUS Toolkit
Month 25: Partners are focusing more on the integration part of their tools while solving potential issues. All INGENIOUS Toolkit tools are prepared for the 1st Field Scale Exercise
First Field Scale Excercise (1st FSX) in France
Month 26: Partners are testing their developed tools in real life scenario on the field. Most of the functionalities from the technical specification and End user requirement are finished. Potential issues are mapped for solving.
Final Prototypes Completition
Month 34: The final prototypes of the INGENIOUS Toolkit are finished covering all functional end user requirements and technical specifications. Up to now almost all potential problems have been solved and all tools are interconnected working as a whole.
Second Field Scale Exercise in Spain - Final Validation
Month 35: The final validation of the INGENIOUS Toolkit tools is taking place in Spain. All tools should work properly and be integrated demonstrating the added value of the INGENIOUS in the hands of the First Responders.
Project Ends
Month 36: Project finishes, INGENIOUS partners focus in commercializing the key outputs of INGENIOUS Tools providing added value impact