
Related Projects

As part of the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, liaison has been established among the DRS-02 Cluster projects ASSISTANCE, CURSOR, FASTER, INTREPID, PathoCERT, RESPOND-A, RESPONDRONE, Search & Rescue, MED1stMR, INGENIOUS, NIGHTINGALE, RESCUER, TeamAware, SIXTHSENSE which are funded under the same topic SU-DRS02-2018-2019-2020 – Technologies for first responders, by sharing their concept and activities while creating synergies and planning future joint actions.

Communication synergies among similar projects funded under the Horizon 2020 programme are a great opportunity to share experiences, common practices, communicate projects’ activities and results, seek opportunities for cooperation on issues related to Crisis Management, Security and Search and Rescue as well as to increase their visibility to a wider audience.

The cluster is making efforts to invite more projects to join. FLEXI-cross is one of the recently invited projects that joined our cluster. Below is more information about the related projects, that are currently participating in the Cluster.

INGENIOUS Related Projects