INGENIOUS @Nicosia Risk Forum 2022

INGENIOUS is happy to have participated in the “Capabilities and Technologies for First Responders" session held as part of the Nicosia Risk Forum on November 16th 2022 in Larnaca, Cyprus and online.
INGENIOUS was represented by ICCS and CyRIC giving an interesting presentation of the INGENIOUS Next Generation Integrated Toolkit (NGIT) and the results generated from the Integration, Testing and Validation activities of the project.
The session, which was organised and led by the H2020 Respond-A project, featured presentations from 5 more EU-funded cluster projects (Search-and-Rescue, RESCUER, ASSISTANCE, TEAMAWARE and RESPOND-A) developing innovative technologies for First Responders. An open discussion on topics common to all EU funded projects and relevant to gap analysis, end-user requirements/involvement, exploitation, sustainability, standard operational procedures, and adaptiveness of new technologies also took place. During the session, interesting insights, knowledge and best practices were shared.
The INGENIOUS Presentation is available here.
More information about the Cluster Session can be found in this joint Press Release.
Nicosia Risk Forum, since 2018, is a merging point for Civil Protection in the area of South-Eastern Europe, which brings together academic, industrial, governmental, policy and other societal stakeholders with a significant interest in societal safety.
The theme of #NRF2022 was “Challenges of the Effects of Climate Crisis” and it was focused on technologies, methods, mechanisms and initiatives for preparedness, prevention, management and response to manmade and natural disasters.
This year’s #NRF2022 aimed to be the catalyst for the promotion of innovative actions and initiatives fostered by governmental organisations, universities and research organisations interested in promoting societal safety.
The final program of the Nicosia Risk Forum 2022 can be found HERE.
Detailed information about the event can be found HERE.