INGENIOUS @CERIS DRS Cluster Conference


INGENIOUS is happy to announce that will be co-organising/chairing the “Technologies for First Responders" Session of the CERIS Disaster Resilient Societies (DRS) Cluster Conference planned on the 25th of March 2022 along with the sister projects FASTERCURSOR and INTREPID.

This session will be split into two main slots. During the first slot, users, researchers and technology providers from the EU, Japan and Korea will discuss the differences in challenges between EU and Japan/Korea and the application of EU solutions, coming from the chair projects and not only, to Japan/Korea and vice versa. They will also exchange experiences, best practices, and lessons learned from DRS-02 cluster projects on testing and validating new and novel technologies as well as input from Japan-Korean First Responder (FR) teams on collaboration with Japan-Korean Tech./Research. The second slot will be a great opportunity for an interesting discussion about an inventory of the FR solutions being developed in the context of DRS02 projects and their added value and operational challenges. This slot will focus on four main thematic areas that cover the broad spectrum of technologies developed within the DRS cluster projects::

  1. Robotics and unmanned vehicles;
  2. Sensors, Wearables and mobile devices;
  3. Mission Critical Systems: C2 and Communications;
  4. Augmented and virtual reality

INGENIOUS will be also represented in the discussion panel on pre-standardization activity within Horizon Europe DRS projects, which will be held on Thursday the 24th of March.

The CERIS Disaster Resilient Societies (DRS) Cluster Conference will be held on 23-25 March 2022 in Brussels (BAO Congress Centre) in a hybrid format mixing virtual attendance with a limited physical participation. Following a series of fruitful meetings in the Disaster-Resilient Societies (DRS) Thematic Area held from February to May 2021 within the “Community of European Research and Innovation for Security (CERIS)” and a successful CBRN-related event co-organised by 4 projects in September 2021, DG HOME and CERIS bring together H2020 projects for the co-organisation/chairing of an event that provides a high-level platform of exchanges in the DRS area, contributing to CERIS objectives.

More than 20 projects have joined forces to co-organise the DRS event under the CERIS umbrella and set up the agenda of the different sessions that will cover discussions on three topics:

  • DRR Integrated Risk Management – Natural Hazards and Societal Resilience on 23rd March,
  • CBRN-E Crisis Management and Standardisation on 24th March finishing with
  • Technologies for First Responders and Pandemic Crisis Management on 25th March.

In addition to the H2020 projects, the CERIS Disaster Resilient Societies (DRS) Cluster Conference will also involve representatives of different sectors (policy-making, research, SME/Industry, practitioners, civil society) in a productive discussion and exchanges in the DRS area. Moreover, information will be provided on upcoming Horizon Europe DRS topics for 2022.

The AGENDA is available HERE and below.

Detailed information can be found on the CERIS website HERE.


Wednesday 23rd March

09:00 General introduction
CERIS State-of-the-Art Report by Philippe Quevauviller (DG HOME) and Ivonne Herrera (Norway)

09:30 – 12:30 SOCIETAL RESILIENCE (Chaired by LINKS)

  • 09:35 How a weighted indicator-based process for resilience assessment can help communities to improve their local disaster resilience strategies, RESILOC, Uberto Delprato (i4es, Italy)
  • 09:45 Involving vulnerable individuals in disaster risk governance, BUILDERS, Kati Orru (Tartu University, Estonia)
  • 09:55 How technology can improve disaster management through better community engagement, ENGAGE, Marta Azevedo Silva (EENA, Italy), Michael Sargeant, Rachele Gianfranchi, Menno Bot (Everbridge)
  • 10:05 Social Media and Crowdsourcing in European Disaster Risk Management, LINKS, Anne Bach Nielsen (Denmark)
  • 10:15 Facilitating collaboration between citizens and civil protection agencies to increase resilience, RiskPACC, Maike Vollmer (Fraunhofer, Germany)
  • 10:25 Building resilient society through a transdisciplinary collaboration between environmental and social science, CORE, Paolo Capuano (UNISA, Italy)

10:45 BREAK

  • 11:00 – 12:30 PANEL – Co-creating resilient communities with citizens at the centre of decision-making in disaster risk management (DRS01 Cluster projects & partners)

12:30 – 14:00 BUFFET LUNCH

  • 14:00 – 17:00 PROJECT TO POLICY ROUND-TABLE(S) 17:00 Welcome address (DG HOME)
  • 14:00 – 17:00 A snapshot of DRS-relevant policies (presentations & QA)
  • 14:10 – 15: 00 Civil Protection, RescUE and UCP Knoweldge Network, Philip Vilar Welter and Felix Bloch (DG ECHO), and Christina Corbane (tbc) joining remotely
  • 15:00 – 15: 30 CBRN-E, Protection of Public Spaces & Critical Infrastructure Protection, Wiktor Wojtas (DG HOME)

15:30 BREAK

  • 16:00 – 16: 30 Climate related policies, Ioannis Kavvadas (DG ENV), DGs CLIMA tbc
  • 16:30 – 17: 00 Health-related Hazards, Charlotte Renckens (HERA) 17:00 Conclusion
  • 17:30 – 18:30 Cocktails

18:30 – 21:00 Walking Dinner (Latin Jazz music)

Thursday 24th March

09:00 Welcome address (DG HOME TBC)

  • 09:10 – 09:30 CMINE – Options for project Networking and added benefits of the Cluster approach, Jonathan Hall (RAN Ireland)
  • 09:30 eNOTICE, Olga Vybornova (UCL, Belgium)
  • 09:50 MELODY, Carlos Rojas Palma (SCK/CEN, Belgium)
  • 10:10 PROACTIVE, Grigore Havarneanu (UIC, France)
  • 10:30 Q&A

10:40 BREAK

  • 11:10 FIRE-IN, Michel Bour (Safecluster, France)
  • 11:30 EU-Radion, Łukasz Szklarski (ITTI, Poland)
  • 11:50 INCLUDING, Ilias Mitsoulas (Greece)
  • 12:10 – 12:30 Summary by rapporteur (Olga Vybornova) and Concluding remarks (Carlos Rojas Palma)

12:30 – 14:00 BUFFET LUNCH

  • 14:00 – 17:00 STANDARDISATION (Co-chaired by STRATEGY & RESIST)
  • 14:00 Policy introduction Philippe Quevauviller (DG HOME)
  • 14:10 On-going Pre-Standardization activity for crisis management interoperability – STRATEGY project, Giannis Chasiotis (STRATEGY Coordinator,Satways Ltd)
  • 14:20 Proposal for a voluntary CBRN Label standard in context of the RESIST project, Luigi De Dominicis (ENEA)
  • 14:40 Towards enhanced governance of research in support of security-related standardization – Some achievements of the STAIR4SECURITY project, Patricia Compard (Chair of CEN/TC 391)
  • 15:00 Pre-Standardization activity in NO-FEAR project (Tom Flynn in virtual mode)

15:15 BREAK

  • 15:30 – 16:45 Discussion panel on pre-standardization activity within Horizon Europe DRS projects (statements by projects followed by Q&A): CURSOR (Evangelos Sdongos), INTREPID (Nicholas Vretos), INGENIOUS (Eleftherios Ouzounoglou), FASTER (Tassos Dimou), AQUA3S (Spyros Kintzios), ASSISTANCE (Francine Amon)
  • 16:45 – 17:30 Wrap-up and conclusions

17:30 – 18:30 Cocktail

18:30 – 21:00 Walking Dinner (Greek music)

Friday 25th March

09:00 Policy introduction (TBC)


  • 09:15 EU-Japan-Korean-Session
    • Differences in challenges between EU and Japan/Korea
    • Application of EU solutions to Japan/Korea and vice versa (including those in INGENIOUS, CURSOR, FASTER, INTREPID)
    • Best Practices, Lessons learned and other experiences from DRS-02 cluster projects on testing and validating new and novel technologies as well as input from Japan-Korean FR teams on collaboration with Japan-Korean Tech./Research

10:30 BREAK

  • 11:00 Inventorying technologies for FRs & Discussing on their added value and operational challenges. Four thematic areas:
    • 1. Robotics and unmanned vehicles;
    • 2. Sensors, Wearables and mobile devices;
    • 3. Mission Critical Systems: C2 and Communications;
    • 4. Augmented and virtual reality

12:30 – 14:00 BUFFET LUNCH

  • 14:00 FIRE-IN: Fire & Rescue Innovation Network for practitioners – Chair: Michel Bour (France)
    • 14:00 Process to facilitate technology uptake by Fire & Rescue practitioners, Olivier Salvi (INERIS Dévelopement, France)
    • 14:20 FIRE-IN National Hubs in practice, Georgios Sakkas (KEMEA, Greece)
    • 14:40 e-FIRE-IN platform and network, Remi Gelmini (ENSOSP, France)

15:30 BREAK

  • 16:00 What about pandemics?
    Update from PANDEM-2 – Maíre Connolly (Ireland)

16:30 Conclusions and way forward

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