Aims & Objectives
Aims & Objectives
INGENIOUS has defined a set of ambitious objectives with main aim to develop a series of intelligent, integrated, interconnected and seamless tools & services that add layers of protection against the dangers of their working environment and augment their situational awareness rather than distracting them from their mission.
What are the INGENIOUS objectives?
To increase EU resilience against natural and man-made attacks by augmenting response capabilities in all types of disasters (multi-hazard approach)
To ensure the well-being of response teams, at the EU-level (and beyond), and increase their operational capacity
To deliver a Next Generation Integrated Toolkit (NGIT) for Collaborative Response extensively validated by EU and International practitioners and technology providers in the field facilitating systematic training and certification
To develop a set of wearable technologies & miniaturised sensors which protect and empower first responders, and their K9 companions, during response operations
To develop a set of ancillary devices and platforms, rapidly and autonomously deployed in the field, which gather information, enhance awareness, localise FRs and their assets, and optimise communication between teams and victims
To fuse all available information under an integrated framework, and develop an advanced C3 (Command, Control & Coordination) providing the Common Operating Picture (COP) to all types of response units, advancing coordination and cross-team collaboration
To convey the COP to the FR, by exploiting recent advances in Augmented Reality, and developing a set of mobile Apps and that allow the FR units to better coordinate tactical and operational response
To increase public safety by greatly improving the capabilities of EU response units
To allow cross-domain and cross-country response team collaboration (incl. Korea and US), overcoming language and policy barriers through technology
Ensure legal, societal, ethical, security considerations advancing INGENIOUS sustainability are considered
Engage all relevant technology stakeholders and practitioners (all disciplines of first response) in the Action maximising market penetration and exploitation of the Toolkit hence facilitating adoption by the FR community