Learn the Aims & the Objectives of the INGENIOUS project and the added value that is offering in SAR operations!

Learn more about the INGENIOUS project and the concrete plan on achieving our ambitious targets!

INGENIOUS Consortium will develop a series of technologies that will contribute to a number of different sectors. Discover all the sectors!
What are the challenges?
Europe remains vulnerable to a wide range of natural and manmade hazards (such as flood, earthquake, industrial accidents, critical infrastructure losses, etc.), causing tremendous repercussions in human life and financial losses. INGENIOUS Consortium has identified a series of challenges that will work upon in order to improve them.
The consortium
INGENIOUS in a nutshell
Reduction in response time of large disasters
Reduced injuries & casualties
of Hazard area mapped indoors & outdoours
Learn more about the events that INGENIOUS is participating!
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